Diagnostic Medical Sonography Degree - Adult Cardiac Sonography

Area of Study: Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Degree/Certificate: Associate of Applied Science, Diagnostic Medical Sonography Degree - Adult Cardiac Sonography
Academic School: Nursing and Health Professions
State of Ohio: Meets educational requirements
In the Adult Cardiac Sonography program students will learn to evaluate anatomy and blood flow of the adult heart, its valves, and related blood vessels. Images of the heart may be obtained through transthoracic imaging (through the chest) or transesophageal imaging (through the esophagus). Cardiac ultrasound can be used to assess heart size and function, valvular function, prosthetic valves, pericardium, thrombus/tumors in or around the heart, as well as congenital heart defects.
Upon successful completion of the program, students will be eligible to sit for the ARDMS registry exams of Sonography Principles and Instrumentation (SPI) Physics exam and specialty exam in Adult Cardiac Sonography.
Program Goal
To prepare competent entry-level sonographers in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains for the Adult Cardiac Sonography concentration.